I did not know that I had to put black on white the Tri-unity of God but there is so much confusion nowadays that I realized that it was necessary so consider this as the first point of my statement of faith. Je ne savais pas que j'avais de mettre noir sur blanc la Tri-unité de Dieu, mais il y a tellement de confusion aujourd'hui que j'ai réalisé qu'il était nécessaire, alors considere ceci comme le premier point de ma déclaration de foi : http://www.the-truth-ministries.us/Trinity_Chart/
1) There is ONLY and ONE true Gospel. All the other Gospels are FALSE, and the "easybelievism" is one of them. (Acts 20:27; Rom. 16:17; 1 Cor. 1:5; 1 Cor. 15:2; 2 Cor. 2:17; 2 Cor. 11:4; Gal. 1: 8-9; Gal. 2:2; 2:14; 3:1; 5:9; Eph. 4:5; 2 Thess. 2: 10-12 and 16; 1 Tim. 4: 15-16; 1 Tim. 6:1; 2 Tim. 2: 15-16; 2 Tim. 3:10; 2 Tim. 3: 16-17;2 Tim. 4:3; Tite 1:9); PROOFS POINT 1
2) We MUST strive perfection...in other words, it is NOT an OPTION to strive perfection...even if we are not and won’t be perfect on earth...; God will SPIT OUT OF HIS MOUTH the LUKEWARM. (Rev. 3:16); PROOFS POINT 2
3) Some sins are GREATER than others; PROOFS POINT 3
4) The FEAR OF GOD is we are to accept His will for our life, irrespective of the outcome; PROOFS POINT 4 TSDO_Proofs_4_Extended
5) IF we are not suffering SOMETIMES for His sake it is clear we have A SERIOUS PROBLEM WITH HIM since it is written: Phil. 1:29 For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, NOT ONLY to believe on him, BUT ALSO to suffer for his sake; THE GRACE OF GOD IS NOT ONLY TO BELIEVE ON HIM BUT ALSO TO SUFFER FOR HIS SAKE....I am just repeating God’s Word...Phil.1:30 Having the SAME CONFLICT which ye saw in me, AND NOW HEAR TO BE IN ME. The saint’s life is A SPIRITUAL CONFLICT; PROOFS POINT 5
6) Most of the Biblical Societies around the world are ecumenical and are selling CORRUPTED BIBLES. There is still NON-CORRUPTED bibles in all the languages...; PROOFS POINT 6
7) REJECTION of the Once Saved Always Saved as a false doctrine, satan’s lie no: 2; PROOFS POINT 7
8) REJECTION of the Hyper Calvinism position, satan’s lie no:1; PROOFS POINT 8 http://trevinwax.com/2009/02/05/a-good-weapon-against-hyper-calvinism/ http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Books,%20Tracts%20&%20Preaching/Printed%20Books/Dr%20John%20Rice/hypercalvinism.htm As well as the Calvinism position
For More Information, Buy The Eternal Plan of Salvation by Marie M. Buchanan:

9) The word "christian" came from the world to despise us...it means: "little Christ". There is exactly 98 verses in the Old and New Testament proving we are supposed to call ourselves: "saints"; PROOFS POINT 9
10) In the church, the spiritual authority is SHARED among elders; not JUST one man; PROOFS POINT 10 The word pastor appear just ONCE in God’s Word - Eph. 4:11...is NOT a title to wear...it is only and just a fonction, a role...The pastor’s function have NO preeminence over the prophets, (description of the prophet according to 1 Cor. 14:3) for example...in other words, the pastors in evangelical churches are NOT doing God’s will actually...because it is NOT God’s will to be a "ONE MAN SHOW"; this is the Roman Catholic church model transferred in the evangelical middle: One priest and the folks -vs- one pastor and the folks.
I challenge you to show me in God’s word a Servant of the Lord Jesus MUST go to these biblical schools where the false doctrines are taught in order to get a paper and the title: pastor...and teach themselves false doctrines as pastors. In fact, the Lord Jesus Christ did not have a paper. (will prove this later) This is exactly what is happening in the evangelical middle in Canada and U.S. Why do you think the evangelicals are completely mixed-up concerning the doctrines? I am giving you few examples. There is plenty of examples. I mean...there is evangelical folks who are believing the Hyper-Calvinism, a false doctrine...the others are promoting a false doctrine telling to the folks you MUST SPEAK IN TONGUES IF YOU ARE BORN AGAIN. (it means that if you do not speak in tongues, you aren’t a child of God...What a lie !!!) Is the Holy Spirit mixed-up about the doctrine? Not at all. It is the pastors who are mixed-up...and the evangelical folks. The main reason is MOST PASTORS HAVE AN AGENDA. Is these biblical schools, this paper and this title is the will of God? Please show me in God’s word because I am only believing and prophesying (1 Cor. 14:3) what it is written.
11) I believe the "gifts of the Spirit" were typically administrated by the laying on the Apostles’s hands (Acts 8: 14-18; Acts 19:6; Rom. 1:11; 2 Tim 1:6). They served to authenticate the ministry and authority of the Apostles of Jesus Christ. (Mark 16:20) I do NOT believe any single gift was meant to be the "initial evidence" of the filling of the Spirit. (1 Cor. 12: 27-31) God distributed "spiritual gits" according to His will. While I am NOT traditional cessationist, I do believe that history records the DECLINE of the gifts..I MEAN THE true ONES...surely because of the bad state of the church today, the Laodicean church. (Rev. 3:14-22) Since 1987, I never saw someone having the true gift of the tongues; PROOFS POINT 11
12) We have to PERSEVERE in the faith; PROOFS POINT 12
13) The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is ONLY when the person TRULY repent at 100%. Not 25%. Not 80%. Not 98%. In other words, below 100% of all our being, the Holy Spirit is still outside us and we are still on the path of hell. PROOFS POINT 13
14) I believe the human have the FREE WILL to accept or refuse the Lord Jesus-Christ; even when we are Christians, we have this LIBERTY to continue or to depart from the faith yet; RESPONSIBILITY AND LIBERTY IS VERY IMPORTANT IN THE GRACE OF GOD. Some folks are totally mixed-up about the GOOD WORKS -vs- RESPONSIBILITY AND LIBERTY. Very different indeed; PROOFS POINT 14
15) I believe there is only two ordinances: The LORD’S SUPPER and the WATER BAPTISM; please note I am not agree with the Church of Christ organization about the water baptism...water baptism does not save; PROOFS POINT 15
16) I believe there is ONE God in THREE PERSONS; I believe the DEITY of Jesus-Christ; See the Trinity Chart and PROOFS POINT 16
17) I believe the posttribulation rapture position based on Luke 21: 25-28...I even believe I may be beheaded if it is God’s will for me. (Rev. 20:4)...I NEED JESUS EVERY DAY TO DO HIS WILL. WITHOUT HIM, the LIFE on earth IS NOT WORTH TO BE LIVED; PROOFS POINT 17
18) The role of women in the church and the home is one of submission to the Word of God and therefore the men He has ordained to positions of authority over them. PROOFS POINT 18
19) I believe the salvation is FREE; PROOFS POINT 19
20) I believe in a LITERAL HELL; PROOFS POINT 20
21) I believe the LITERAL return of Jesus-Christ; I believe the Lord’s Second Coming will NOT be a SECRET RAPTURE. Every eye will see Him. PROOFS POINT 21
22) I believe the marriage is not ALWAYS, ALWAYS AND ALWAYS a long-life commitment...Even if God hates the divorce VERY MUCH. Nevertheless, it is VERY SAD when we do NOT have the choice to divorce... ( Please see Mt. 5:32; Mt. 19:9 and 1 Cor. 7: 13-15). Like the Lord is VERY SAD to DIVORCE NOW from PROFESSING saints who are disobedient in a continuous way...the LUKEWARM...and they will end where???...in HELL...; PROOFS POINT 22
23) The Voices, the Visions and the Dreams are finished; PROOFS POINT 23
24) We have to test all the spirits. "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God; because many false prophets are gone out into the world". (1 Jn. 4:1) PROOFS POINT 24
Premièrement, je veux te souhaiter la bienvenue sur mon site internet.
Mon premier but est de partager avec toi la saine doctrine de la Parole de Dieu même si j’apprends toujours de sa Parole. J’ai étudié environ 500 sites internet chrétiens, publié la vérité sur les pages de discussion chrétiens et j’ai été parmi les groupes de chrétiens depuis 9 ans et je connais le milieu évangélique depuis 1987. J’ai vu que la saine doctrine de la Parole de Dieu n’est pas vraiment partagée. C’est pour cette raison que je crée ce site internet.
Mon deuxième est de d’aviser toi /ou tes enfants parce que la marque de la bête sera disponible plus vite que tu ne le penses. C’est pour cela que je met toutes les preuves que j’ai obtenues de l’étude de la Parole de Dieu concernant les prophéties futures reliées avec ce qui arrive en ce moment même sur l’échelle planétaire. J’ai toutes les informations pour te prouver nous sommes DANS le Nouvel Ordre Mondial et que nous vivons les derniers jours. Avec ce que j’ai appris, je suis certaine que toi et/ou que tes enfants devront fuir la persécution qui vient (Rev. 12:6) ou être décapité (Rev. 20:6) à cause du refus de la marque de la bête. Je crois même si tu n’est pas très vieux/vieille, tu vas devoir refuser sa marque.
Seulement ceux qui AIMENT la Parole de Dieu plus que leurs propres vies vont pouvoir refuser la marque de la bête.
Voici les preuves:
2 Thess. 2: 9-12: "L’apparition de cet impie aura lieu avec la force de Satan, avec toute puissance, avec des prodiges et de faux miracles, Et avec toutes les séductions de l’iniquité parmi ceux qui se perdent, PARCE QU’ILS N’ONT POINT REÇU L’AMOUR DE LA VÉRITÉ POUR ÊTRES SAUVÉS. C’EST POURQUOI DIEU LEUR ENVERRA UN ESPRIT EFFICACE D’ÉGAREMENT POUR QU’ILS CROIENT AU MENSONGE; AFIN QUE TOUS CEUX QUI N’ONT PAS CRU À LA VÉRITÉ, MAIS QUI ONT PRIS PLAISIR DANS L’INJUSTICE, SOIENT CONDAMNÉS".
Ap. 13:8 "Et tous ceux qui habit! ent sur la terre, dont les NOMS NE SONT PAS ÉCRITS DÈS LA CREATION DU MONDE DANS LE LIVER DE VIE DE L’AGNEAU qui a été immolé, l’adorèrent".
Ap. 17:8 ’La bête que tu as vue, a été et n’est plus; elle doit monter de l’abîme, et s’en aller en perdition; ET LES HABITANTS DE LA TERRE, DONT LES NOMS NE SONT PAS ÉCRITS DANS LE LIVRE DE VIE, DÈS LA CRÉATION DU MONDE, s’éonneront en voyant la bête, car elle était, et elle n’est plus, bien qu’elle soit".
Le Jésus de Seigneur dit ceci à toi et à tes enfants: Mat. 10:28 "Et ne craignez donc point ceux qui ôtent la vie du corps, et qui ne peuven faire mourir l’âme; mais craignez plutôt celui qui peut faire périr et l’âme et le corps dans la géhenne",
C’est ce qui est le plus important: craindre Dieu. La crainte de Dieu va t’aider et/ou aider tes enfants pour fuir la persécution prochaine ou refuser la marque de la bête.
Écoutes cette Parole attentivement:
Ap. 13:6 "Et elle ouvrit la bouche pour blasphémer contre Dieu, pour blasphémer contre son nom et son tabernacle, et contre ceux qui habitent dans le ciel".
Pourquoi penses-tu que la bête va blasphémer Dieu, son nom et son tabernacle, et ceux qui habitent le ciel? Comment Dieu et ceux qui habitent au CIEL dérangent la bête? Je vais te le dire: parce que les saints vont "déranger" ses activités. Ils seront opposés à lui en avertissant les habitants de la terre que s'ils acceptent sa marque, ils vont en enfer. C'est pour cela que la bête va les tuer selon Ap. 13:7 et 20:4. Je souhaite avec tout mon coeur être parmi ceux qui vont le déranger - j'ai toutes les raisons de croire que la bête est née - et c'est une autre raison pourquoi je crée ce site internet.
Une ex-chercheuse en psychologie, Une ex-psychologue Une ex-membre de l’Ordre des Psychologues du Quebec, Une ex-Catholique Romaine, Une ex Chrétienne évangelique - je ne peux plus m’identifer a eux, je suis désolée... ****La version française va suivre cette version, mais je ne sais pas quand parce que je ne recois pas un sous de mon dur labeur sur internet****