Who am I? I am a webmaster writing her own books and actually not doing a dime over the Internet so it is not that I am looking for work to do but I thought that video series is a VERY POWERFUL http://www.youtube.com/thefuelproject My offer to the Fuel Project: http://www.facebook.com/TheFuelProject/posts/192183454185455
and must be known as a specialist AGAINST the New World Order, a specialist AGAINST Roman Catholicism and especially AGAINST the Jesuits as well as a specialist of the Bible. I don't pretend to have a degree in those but I know you can be AUTODIDACT and get to learn as much as if you would have a Ph.D. degree because I got a masters in Psychology and I decided to leave my profession back in 2000 to obey the Lord because the philosophy from the word of God is different than the philosophy from this word and philosophy is the source of what psychology is relying upon and the Jesuits are the ones teaching the social sciences at Université Laval, Québec, Canada (my source is a connection to the Jesuits) and I certainly do reject Jesuitism WHOLEHEARTEDLY and at least Québec city is sold out to them, (they have their own libraries and streets over there, if not more...) and I certainly am not a Jesuit Coadjutor or of the short robe http://truthseeker24info.blogspot.com/2008/12/jesuit-coadjutor.html like I was falsely accused by Eric Jon Phelps on Craig Oxley forum. (his sycophant) http://www.topix.com/forum/city/fouke-ar/TD8N475BJCG8L1KLB so I even do know about CHARACTER ASSASSINATION but thank God, I just realized that this board has been closed for Terms of Service violations. http://z10.invisionfree.com/The_Unhived_Mind_II/index.php?act=Post&CODE=06&f=9&t=16140&p=2539408
but nevertheless, it was done by Mr. Eric Jon Phelps and Craigy Boy (well, that's the way he was calling himself) (I KEPT A COPY OF THIS IN MY ARCHIVES AS WELL AS A SHIFT PRINT SCREEN SO THIS CAN NOT BE UNDONE) and published on the Internet and that's why I am making things VERY CLEAR HERE.
FIRST, THROUGH EDUCATION: (not exhaustive list, I need to gather everything I did - your patience would be appreciated...)